My sisters........and BROTHER

Ever since I was a little kid destiny has always been the voice of reason with us, she is the sister you go to and she will ALWAYS direct you to the bible and what the word of God says.
She loves the Lord with all her heart, and to me it shows in everything she does...
Charis and her husband ben just had there first son Evan. He is a little over 1 week old.
Charis is the one that isnt afraid to tell you when your annoying her. She is the one who is ready to stand up for someone if they arent being treated right....And although she probably doesnt know it yet, she is a great mom....She has always been the shyer of us three...but if you get to know her you know she is in love with the Lord.
I have a brother micah also. He is 14.
He goes to school 3 days a week, and at first he struggled with it alot! and pretty much was failing everything...he always tryed to just say he was dumb...But I know otherwise..he is not only smart in school, he is really fun to have at home! although he is WAY taller than me now, I love having a little try and boss around
So those are my siblings. Destiny is 23 Charis is 21 I'am 18 and micah is 14
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