Dear Beth

This is beth arnold.
I've known her for almost 10 years.
She is so pretty inside and out. Even when I was the geeky over weight friend, she NOT ONCE judged me or treated me any differant, just because I wasnt a size 1.
She always make me feel comfortable with myself, she doesnt focus on the outward appearance, but she looks at your heart and whats on the inside....not a whole lot of teenagers who are as gorgeous as she is would do that.
Over these last years she has listened to me cry and prayed for me, she has talked with me for hours on end just about life. We have laughed together and made alot of memories.
She is giving and strong and faitful....and I know that wherever our lives take us.....I will forever be a changed woman by having her in it....You are amazing beth, DONT EVER let anyone tell you you are anything less... I LOVE YOU ALWAYS.
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