Dear Joelle

She has been my best friend for a little over 3 1/2 years now.
AHHH....I dont even know how to explain her. She knows what im thinking when I cant put it into words, she knows how to make me laugh when im upset, she knows how to dry my tears when im crying, she knows how to calm me down when im angry.
She never in our friendship has ever judged me, when I was at my lowest she what there walking along side of me. She is as faithful as they come...she has this personality that can make the worse of situations....not so bad....
She is my hero.
She is my sister
She is my friend
There are some people that go there whole lives and never find that special best friend that will last for a life time...I will forever be thankful that God saw fit to bring her into my life....Becuase it will forever be changed by just knowing her.
Joelle, Thank you for all you have done, and for all your prayers and effort on our friendship.
Wherever you go, you know for sure I will always be there for you!
Love you much girly,
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